Loving Family Bingo and

Valentine Princess Bingo

Fun starts with play! Not your usual Noun only bingo, these bingo games encourage the use of descriptive language - adjectives and actions as well as nouns, as clues to thinking about which picture fits the description.

Not just for older kids, younger kids can learn a lot from playing higher level games. I've included some sample boards to show the various ways to play, as many children (even older) do not understand terms such as "column", "row", "diagonal", etc. so this provides the visual clues to easily teach what pattern the game will follow.

This 2 pack includes Loving Family Bingo and Valentine Princess Bingo.

Each set comes with

  • 35 pages total, print only what you need
  • master card sheet for keeping track of called cards
  • 12 calling cards
  • 20 different bingo game sheets, 9 squares including the free space
  • size 8 1/2 x 11 inches
  • directions for play, with visual example game sheets showing different patterns of play, to show new players, young players, ESL players, or any players not familiar with vocabulary
  • printable heart markers to mark spaces called

Great Fun for families, parties and the classroom.

Personal Use Rights License Only

This allows you to use this game for your personal use, for a single classroom use, or in the case of a teacher that sees many classes (music, science, reading, speech), etc. just that teacher's use with their own students.

You can purchase more than one copy by going through checkout again. I don't have it set up to purchase more sets at this time.

Use code LOVE23 to get 1/2 off today!